Benefice News & Events

Jubilee Service

Jubilee Service

A congregation of 25 rounded off celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a rare service of Evensong at St. Ethelbert on the Sunday evening.

The service was led by the priest in charge of the Harling and Guiltcross benefice, the Rev. Simon Richardson with John Richens at the organ for a service that ended with the singing of the National Anthem.

There was a surprise for all those arriving at the service. While the outside was decked with bunting and the interior of the church was full of beautiful flower arrangements from a wedding the previous day, in the porch was a special display staged by congregation member Angela Lynne.

Mrs. Lynne has had a long-time hobby of collecting clothes from past generations and her tableau showed replica outfits she had made of those worn at the Queen’s coronation by Prince Charles, aged four, and his sister Princess Anne, who was two.

Benefice Service led by the Bishop of Thetford

Benefice service led by the Bishop of Thetford.

The latest fifth Sunday benefice service saw about 70 people attend St. Ethelbert at Wretham, with a large number of people happily discovering a church that they had never visited before.

The BCP service was led by the Bishop of Thetford (the Rt. Rev. Dr. Alan Winton) who also gave the address and administered Holy Communion, assisted by our priest in charge (the Rev. Simon Richardson).

Bishop Alan also offered special prayers at the steps of the chancel to George and Christine Price, soon to celebrate their golden wedding and long-time members of the Wretham congregation.

After the service, attended by friends from all but one of the churches in the benefice, many lingered to renew or make new friendships, while enjoying refreshments prepared by members of the Wretham congregation.

Pilgrimage to Walsingham

Our curate, Rev'd Josh Whitnall organised a day trip to see the amazing Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.  It was a most enjoyable pilgrimage and well worth the trip.

Ordination of Joshua Whitnall

A wonderful service was held on Sunday, 2nd July in Norwich Cathedral, in which Josh and 5 others were ordained deacons by Graham, Bishop of Norwich. Several were delighted to greet Josh, with Rev'd Simon Richardson, after the service, in the cloister.  The Benefice is looking forward to welcoming Josh and his family. 

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